West Hartford Walks in CT Breast Health Initiative Race in the Park
May 11, 2013, West Hartford, CT– For women in the U.S., breast cancer death rates are higher than those for any other cancer, besides lung cancer.* The CT Breast Health Initiative is one of many organizations striving to change this frightening statistic. Their mission is to make a difference locally in the fight against breast cancer through education and research.
One way that they fund much of their efforts is the CT Breast Health Initiative 2013 Race in the Park, and American Institute West Hartford was pleased to have a team of students and staff walk in the race again this year. Thousands joined together to honor survivors, remember loved ones, celebrate life and most importantly, raise vital funds for the fight against breast cancer in Connecticut. All of the money that the CT Breast Health Initiative raises stays in Connecticut, making this a great partnership for American Institute and supporting our core value of local community service.
* http://ctbhi.org/about-us/breast-cancer-statistics