For many post-secondary trade school educators, teaching isn’t just a job; it’s more like a calling. They devote themselves to developing the next generation of professionals in critical areas like healthcare and skilled trades. They take pride in helping their students grow intellectually and personally, and they often go above and beyond to help support their students’ success in their chosen field.

One of our favorite parts of celebrating Teacher Appreciation Day at American Institute is the opportunity for our students to ‘give an apple to the teacher’ by writing a heartfelt compliment or thank-you on an apple cutout which is then posted in the campus so instructors know how truly appreciated they are. These gestures may seem relatively small, but educators who work tirelessly day in and day out really appreciate the acknowledgement of their efforts.
These educators serve as mentors and role models for their students, and inspire them to pursue their passion for a new career while providing support throughout their academic and even into their professional journeys. Instructors often stay in touch with graduates as they have welcomed them as peers into their trade and encourage their former students as they navigate the challenges and opportunities that come their way.

Each of us can recall a particular teacher who changed our lives by giving just that little bit ‘extra’ when we needed it most, and the world is a better place for these wonderful educators. They are truly the heart and soul of every educational system, and they deserve all the recognition we can offer. Please take a moment to #ThankATeacher today!