Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Walk
October 23, 2016, West Hartford, CT – American Institute was pleased to participate again in the annual Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Walk at Rentschler Field in East Hartford. JDRF One Walk has one goal: to create a world without type 1 diabetes (T1D). JDRF One Walk is a fun, family-friendly event where dedicated walkers, volunteers and sponsors raise money to make living with T1D safer and healthier — until it is no longer a threat. As the largest T1D event in the world, it’s also an amazing experience to be a part of. Each year 40,000 people in the U.S. are diagnosed with T1D.*
Our West Hartford AI Family came out to support the team ‘Walk with Grace’, aptly named for our Campus President’s daughter, Grace Colbert, who was diagnosed with T1D at age 5. Grace has been a visiting hero to the campus on several occasions, sharing with students in the Medical Assisting program the various tools and techniques she uses to manage her daily insulin requirements. It’s been helpful for the students when they are learning about the endocrine system to put a real patient with the need to regulate glucose levels in the blood. Campus President, Kim Colbert shared “Grace loves seeing everyone and this day is one of the most important days of the year for her. It marks another year of successfully managing through a very difficult disease, another year of health and strength and bravery, and having the love of so many people makes her feel special and proud and stronger!”
The donations raised through the team’s support were given to the research of Type 1 diabetes, in hopes of creating a cure.
*Source: JDRF One Walk