American Institute supports National Wear Red Day in 2025

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February 28, 2025, All locations – On the first Friday in the month of February each year, the American Heart Association (AHA) sponsors a ‘Go Red For Women’ day where individuals throughout the United States are encouraged to wear red to help raise awareness of heart disease and how it presents differently in women than in men. Born in 2004, when the AHA realized that cardiovascular disease claimed the lives of nearly half a million American women each year but the public perception at the time was that it was an ‘older man’s disease,’ this initiative is designed to empower women to take charge of their heart health.i

In addition to wearing their red gear on February 7th, all locations honored American Heart Month by capturing donations to the AHA, and American Institute’s team was able to meet its $500 fundraising goal in the final week of the month.

“Our student population is part of a growing segment of the community who is learning about heart health and sharing in this information about heart disease and how it is largely preventable. We’re grateful for the attention to self-care this provides among our campus community,” shared Stephen Schwartz, American Institute Senior Vice President of Ground Finance & Operations.

“We’re delighted to participate in this annual event,” added Christopher Coutts, American Institute Senior Vice President of Ground Strategic Operations. “Helping to educate and inform those among our #AIFamily and extended circles of influence about the actions that we/they as individuals can take to enhance and monitor our own cardiovascular health is a cause well worth supporting.”

To learn more about heart attack and stroke symptoms in women, visit:

iAbout Us | Go Red for Women

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