“Obstetricians first used ultrasound to diagnose an early intrauterine pregnancy in the 1960s and 1970s. Emergency physicians adapted ultrasound for point-of-care use in the 1990s.”(i) Image quality and resolution continue to evolve as the technology innovations expand and ultrasound becomes an essential tool for healthcare professionals to provide patients with non-invasive diagnoses through the support of qualified sonographers.
American Institute’s Diagnostic Medical Sonography (DMS) students and staff joined in to share their focus and dedication to this exciting field. “Ultrasound is so important in healthcare because we utilize real-time imaging while not exposing our patients to radiation and we capture images not always obtained with other modalities,” shared Kristina Barnish, DMS Program Director.
Celebrating with t-shirts, treats, and fun on campus, our #AIFamily appreciates all these sonography professionals and their commitment to making ultrasound effective and efficient!
(i) National Library of Medicine, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK470450/